Friday, May 6, 2011

The Passing Cars

So today I moved home from college. Hello mom and dad, goodbye friends. It was sad but I was proud of myself! I didn't cry a tear. Woohoo! Anyways, I have a three hour drive home and I often catch myself wondering weird things. But one of the things I find my mind drifting to often is the people I pass by on the road. They're speeding along the same roads I am, but their life's road can be just like mine or the complete opposite. I find myself wondering where they are in their lives. Are they recently married? Is that car they're driving a sixteenth birthday present? Does that missing headlight have a funny story to it? Are they driving to bad news or good?

Then I start wondering things like where are they in their faith life? Could this drive be their last on this earth? Will they be going to heaven or hell? How can I help secure their fate? I often feel convicted on this last question. I see so many people throughout my day, but I don't know how to make sure I see them again someday in paradise with Jesus. Sometimes I feel so bad about all the people I know in my life that are leading a selfish life that will not spend eternity with me and God, I get emotional. The answer to this question came to me a few months ago; I don't remember how or precisely when but it was about that time. I realized the most powerful thing I can do for people is pray for them. I don't need to preach to masses; I don't need to share my testimony with every person I meet; I don't need to drag all my acquaintances to church and youth group; all I need to do is pray. All of the above things can help, too, but when I don't know what to do, I can pray for them.

A motivational speaker I once heard said that we have been blessed with a higher understanding. We are among the chosen ones. We have a duty, a higher calling, to share this knowledge with others to help people realize what their life is really for. But we are not all meant to share the Lord's message to thousands of people in a huge stadium like some, or be pastors of devoted churches like others. But we are all meant to pray. We as humans cannot do everything for ourselves. We must rely on God for our needs and the needs of others. So even if we just pray for others, it is not just doing nothing. You are calling for the help of the Lord our God to show others the light of His message. And what can God not do? Nothing.

So for those people in your lives that you might be scared to approach, or your words are not penetrating, ask on the Lord. And pray for those people you see passing in the cars. Don't just let them pass through your life, for they certainly do not pass through God's. And even for those people who are strong in their faith, pray for them. There is nothing better you can do for someone than to pray for them. For if God is with us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31. Read Romans 8 for inspiring words from the Bible on this topic.

God Bless!

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