Friday, August 19, 2011

Vacation Bible School!

So, I have been so crazy busy in the last couple of weeks! College is coming up, our house sold (yay!), and I now work full time while trying to fit in time to visit friends before they all head off in the opposite direction.

But, a couple weeks ago, I volunteered for Vacation Bible School with my church. I have never really worked with kids before at all, and tend to talk to them like I would anyone else my age (basically I use words too humongous for them to understand). However, God put it on my heart to work with younger kids, so work with younger kids I did! Our VBS is the most popular one in our town of about 4,000 with I think four or so churches doing VBS. We have a themed VBS, which is probably why ours is so popular. For instance, the year's theme was the gold rush of 1849. They learned all about the "rock of ages" being Jesus, not gold, and that they should put as much effort into their search for Jesus as those miners did for their gold. We had games, dances, songs, crafts, and even food to go along with the messages of the day, and the kids got candy for memorizing scripture. They even had a skit they did each night that was a continual story throughout the week which I was pretty impressed by! They had costumes and props and accents and everything!

It was so much fun! I was a leader for the 6-9 age group, which had twice as much as the other two groups. We had over 100 kids there every night! It was crazy, but it was fun. A lot of them got into it, but I took more of a liking to the kids who didn't know hardly anything because that was me up until a couple years ago. It broke my heart to know that many of these kids did not come from good homes, and one in particular took a liking to me and I could tell she was from a very broken home. She was angry all the time and even hit one of the leaders. She had triples every night at snack time. But she was brilliant! She had all her verses memorized the first night, even though she was too shy to say them to anyone else but me. It just broke my heart to have to see her go home every night. So pray for that little girl with me along with the MILLIONS just like her.

So, I highly encourage you all to do something for God that you think you can't do. He will be with you through it and helping you even though you have no clue what you're doing! I had a blast even though it was stressful at times, and I cannot wait to work with kids even more in the future :)

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Glad VBS was such a positive experience for you and, of course, for the kids. Believe me, things they learn in VBS will stay with them a lifetime. I know.
