Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sincere Christians

Many nonbelievers have a horribly inaccurate view of us sincere Christians. They think we are out to tell them that they are living their life wrong, they need to give their riches to the church, and that we will tell them to cut out what some of them consider to be fun in their lives.
I truly hope one day that as a body of Christians, we are able to rise up as one voice and tell the nonbelievers what we really believe: that we truly care about them and we want to share the love of Christ and kingdom of Heaven with them someday!

To be brothers and sisters with one another in Christ is such a glorious thing - there are no words to describe it. You share a bond with that person that cannot be broken. You are able to encourage one another and share life's ups and downs with a new sense of purpose and being.

Being a Christian brings such joy and purpose to my life; I pray that I can help others find that, too. I see the beauty all around me and thank God that I am blessed enough to see these daily miracles. It saddens me to see people so stubborn when it comes to believing in God that they can't see what's right in front of them. So many people have had experiences in their lives with "Christians" and other life events that turns them away from God for whatever reasoning.

I put "Christians" in quotation marks because these are the Christians we all hope we're not: those that tell other people they are living their life all wrong and then are hypocritical with their actions. I think we have all been that "Christian" at some point - I know I sure have been. But I pray that some other Christian will come into that person's life and fix whatever damage I may have caused. And I hope that I can fix the damage that someone else may have caused in the lives of those around me.

I used to think that you had to talk to people and reason God with them so that they could see my logic was undeniable. That may work for some people, but I have since realized that it doesn't work for me. It is our actions every second of every day that show other people our faith. I want people to look at me and see Christ's love. I want them to see what He has done in my life and what He can do in theirs. I never want to be hypocritical because, let's face it, people don't remember the random little good things we do - they remember the times when we faltered, when we screwed up.

I'm not saying that we can never let other people see that we screw up - I'm saying glorify God when you do! Being a Christian does not mean your life will be easy. For some, it's quite the opposite. But our faith shows through in those rough times when we do screw up or have bad things happen to us. When we still glorify God that sends such a powerful message to other people. Even when you falter, let His light shine through you. Your life may be the only Bible that some people may read. I know I sure want my life to show the best version of the Bible that it can.

Be gentle when helping others on their road with Christ. Show them that you truly care and that you're not just racking up tallys to show God how great you are. He knows.

God Bless!

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